our expertise

Transdisciplinary model

Our therapists have years of experience in supporting children who require support from a speech pathologist, occupational therapist, psychologist and physiotherapist. When you are engaged with one of our therapists, you get support in all these areas from one experienced therapist. The benefits: you do not have to co-ordinate a team of therapists and repeating your story; and consistency in the support received is guaranteed.

Key worker model

Our therapists have years of experience working with Early Childhood Intervention Service agencies. We embrace the key worker model, which is considered as the best practice in providing therapy services for children and families with developmental delay or a disability and is promoted by the NDIS. Our therapists have solid experience and knowledge of child development and skills in supporting your child to learn, play and socialise at home, kinder, childcare and in the community. On top of therapy, we are experienced in providing emotional support, information and advice, identifying and addressing needs, advocacy and service coordination.


Our therapists base our practice on family centered partnership and strength based model. We work in collaboration with you, your family, educators, and significant others in your child's lives. Utilising your strengths, experience and expertise of your child and our knowledge and skills in supporting children's development, we developed individualised strategies to encourage your child's learning and development in accordance to your goals and aspirations.